A comprehensive guide to selling your furniture online in 7 easy steps


As life goes on, we sometimes find ourselves with surplus furniture that no longer serves our needs or matches our style. Whether it’s due to downsizing, redecorating, or simply decluttering, we often find ourselves at a crossroads: what to do with the unwanted furniture? One of the solutions to this dilemma is selling your items online. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the steps of how to successfully sell your furniture online and give your pieces a new lease on life.

Table of Contents

1.  Assess the condition of your furniture

As we prepare to sell a piece of furniture, it’s important to take time and carefully assess its condition.

  • Check for wobbly or damaged legs
  • Make sure the drawers and cabinets are in working order
  • Identify any scratches, dents, stains, rips or chips
  • Take stock of all hardware for missing or damaged pieces


Remember that honesty is always the best policy! Once you’ve identified areas that need to be addressed, think about what you can repair and what needs to be disclosed to the buyer. 

Restoring furniture before selling it will help increase its perceived value by making it look more attractive and appealing to potential buyers. Applying a gentle cleaner or polish can bring out the natural beauty of the wood or leather, while repairing any minor damages or restoring missing hardware can make the piece appear in like-new condition, allowing for a greater asking price

2. Take high-quality photos

Good photography can make a significant difference when it comes to selling online. High-quality photographs can capture the beauty and condition of your furniture, allowing potential buyers to get a better look at what they are buying. Try to capture details that may not be highly visible, like any discolouration or scuffs on the wood. This helps to build trust with the buyer.

  • Take the photos in good lighting
  • Capture different angles
  • Show detailed close-ups
  • Take photos of any damage

Clear photos of your item can provide buyers with enough information to make an informed decision without having to physically see it, increasing the likelihood of selling your item quickly and easily.

3. Choose an online selling platform

When it comes to online selling, we all want to make the most out of our efforts. However, not all platforms are created equal. While some may be great for selling clothing, others may be better suited for electronics or handmade goods. It is important to choose a platform that is optimized for selling furniture such as these popular online marketplaces.

Posting your items on both platforms will increase their visibility, which can speed up the selling process. These platforms are easy to use and allow customers to get as much information about the item as possible, such as high-quality photographs, videos and a detailed description of its condition. Additionally, they provide features such as customer reviews and ratings.

4. Price it right

Setting the right price is a very important step in the selling process. Consider the original price, age, brand, and condition of your furniture when deciding on your asking price. Research similar items on the platform you’ve chosen to gauge what a fair price might be. Doing your own research online to determine the value of your items is crucial, as many people tend to over or undervalue their items when they do not take this step.

What are you looking for when researching your items?

  • Are any of the items limited edition or rare?
  • Are they trendy items that are in high demand?
  • Are they designer items?

To research your specific items, you can utilize Google’s camera feature. This tool lets you upload an image which Google uses to search the internet. This will allow you to see if your items are listed for sale online already. You are looking for information about the brand and the average resale price. If your specific item isn’t available online, Google will provide images of similar items. If popular online furniture retailers are currently selling similar styles of furniture then that item is most likely on trend.

Remember, people are looking for a bargain online, so be reasonable with your expectations.

5. Craft a detailed description

Take the time to write a thorough and accurate description of your item. Include the basic information about the piece as well as some selling features that grab the buyers attention.

Description checklist:

  • Brand
  • Dimensions
  • Material
  • Condition
  • Selling features
  • Relevant history or interesting facts


The more information you provide, the less time you’ll spend answering questions from potential buyers.

6. Be patient and negotiable

Patience is key when selling furniture online. It might take a while before you get the offer you want, so don’t rush into accepting the first low offer you receive. However, be open to negotiation—it might be the key to closing a sale.

Tips for getting the price you want:

  • Don’t overvalue your items
  • Offer discounts

Listing your items over their value can drive buyers away, decreasing the likelihood of a fast sale. Buyers want to feel like they got a deal, so adding 10% to your listing price will give you room to offer a discount while still making a profit you feel comfortable with. Online marketplaces are comparable to a garage sale, so negotiation is essential to the process.

7. Arrange safe pick-up or delivery

Finally, once you’ve closed a deal, decide on a safe and practical method for pick-up or delivery. Assuming the buyer is local, there are a couple options:

  • At home pickup
  • Delivery
  • Public meetup

Selling furniture online can be a rewarding experience, but it does require some time and effort to do properly. You need to carefully assess the condition of your furniture, take good quality photos, choose an appropriate platform for selling, price it correctly and craft an accurate description that captures all its features. Additionally, you should always remain patient and open to negotiation when dealing with potential buyers. By following these simple steps you will be well on your way to making some extra cash while ensuring your items find a new home where they’ll be appreciated!

Donating  your furniture

If you have furniture with a low resale value, or want to clear out your items quickly, then selling may not be for you. Donating your unwanted pieces can be a great way to give back to the community while still getting some value out of them. Local charities and thrift stores often accept furniture donations, allowing you to help those in need while also getting rid of unwanted furniture. Additionally, donating your items may provide you with a tax write-off at the end of the year, making it an even more attractive option. So if selling isn't right for you, consider donating your furniture instead!

Check out “How to prepare your furniture for donation” for more information.

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