Got Stuff That No Longer “Sparks Joy”? Donate It to Furniture Bank.


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, it’s highly likely that you’ve heard about home/lifestyle organizing guru Marie Kondo and her Netflix show ‘Tidying Up’.

During each episode, Marie helps a family (downsizers, estates, families with young children, empty nesters, etc.) organizing & declutter their homes – and lives. She counsels clients to only hold on to items because they are practical, useful or “spark joy”. The rest can be donated, given away, or (gasp) disposed of.

As amazing as that is, viewers are left to figure out where they should donate their usable items. (Understandable given the global viewership of the show.)

In an effort to fill that void in Toronto, a few publications have taken it upon themselves to suggest a few amazing organizations – including Furniture Bank – to which you can donate your “komono”. We’re tickled to be included in this article by TorontoStoreys and this one by BlogTO.

If you’ve hopped on the KonMari bandwagon, please consider passing along the stuff that no longer “sparks joy”. It will certainly bring joy to our neighbours in need.

With a 72-hour turnover on donated goods in our warehouse, our need for quality, gently-used furniture and housewares is constant.

Call 416-934-1229 today to speak with a member of our team on how we can help you get rid of your extra stuff.


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